Our mission is to empower AI professionals and enterpreneurs to master AI ethics

AI Ethica School is committed to creating and continuously improving effective AI Ethics courses and contents for the AI and data industry. We are dedicated in promoting ethics knowledge and awareness in an ever changing AI driven world for professional competency.
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We help you fuel your personal development in the AI industry 

From Code to Society

We provide courses for all levels of AI Ethics. From philosophical and social perspectives to coding courses for developers, AI Ethica provides courses for all stakeholders involved.

Courses by Experts

We strive to have the best AI Ethics teachers and instructors in their respective field of expertise. And we aim at a healthy mix between theory and practice.

Strong AI Partnerships

To stay up-to-date in AI and ethics we partner with best organizations worldwide

Customer Service

We provide excellent customer service through the design, creation and delivery of targeted marketing programs.

Our partnerships

To offer top quality training and digital certifications, we believe it’s key
to partner with the best in industry across business and education sectors.

Our Ethics Core Team

Our AI ethics team and our teachers strive to provide the latest insights and techniques in AI Ethics
boost your career and position your AI application for success and boost your career. We are
all are experts in our respective fields with extensive practical and theoretical knowledge.

Do you want to join our team? Be welcome! - Contact Alex Schmid alex@ai-ethica.com

Alex Schmid

Benjamin Herd

Merve Hicks

Explore our professional courses now!

Don't loose the opportunity to become knowledgeable  in AI Ethics to support your career.
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